Anyway had been chatting to a friend and he was extolling the virtues of the Wii Fit - so I decided that there was more chance of me using that than using the gym membership (and it was cheaper) so took the plunge and now once I get through my programme of yoga and muscle stuff I love to play on the step and the hoola-hoop and snowboarding and ski jumping. But my favourite thing of all time is the jogging.
The best dog to follow is the one just as you're coming off the first bridge - I love to run after this dog cos then you get to run along the beach, waving at all the Miis, with the tide sweeping in and out and when I see my daughter's Mii it gives me an incentive to go faster and overtake her!! Wii Island - where the sun always shines, people are friendly and the scenery is extremely cool.

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