Thursday, 22 October 2009

Saying Grace

Blog has been a bit neglected over the last few weeks - partly because of difficulty sitting - too sore!!

I came across a site recently called live simply - it's a site which challenges us to think about consumption, climate change, justice and poverty. It is good to reflect on God's goodness particularly as this is One World Week. Our food and other material goods are sourced from all over the world, many people are involved in producing it and we are exceptionally blessed. We really don't lack anything. We live in peace, we are free to worship, we eat more than one meal a day, we own shoes (you might want to check out the Tom's Shoes site on this issue). There are many ways we can get involved in global justice, but we might also want to start to really think about saying grace. We've always said grace before our evening meal but it's very easy to let it just slip into words and routine. The live simply site has some example graces and I particularly liked this one

Generous, loving God
Creator of the world we share
We ask you to give us today our daily bread

And as we store the crops
and fill the barns
stack the shelves
pile high the tins
and wander the aisles
of supermarket choice

Show us how to see the world
through the eyes of the hungry
Teach us how to share with all
Our daily bread

1 comment:

Mo said...

Now that is the kind of challenge we all need before we eat!! I am away to check out that site.