Saturday, 19 June 2010

Reflection #5

Jesus and the Soldiers

Jesus was handed over to the soldiers after his back has been ripped by the lead tipped whip.

Roman soldiers I imagine were a pretty bloody lot. They worked on behalf of an Empire that was ruthless; mired in ugly and graphic violence of every kind. I imagine they have seen and committed all kinds of violent and barbaric acts. They don't care about Jesus. He epitomises everything they hate about this riotous and rebellious nation they have been posted to. Another messiah. Another insurrection to put down. They are all about oppression and humiliation and displays of power. But mostly - humiliation.

The soldiers gather around and undress him. They pull off his clothes. Humiliation. Put a red cloak on him. I imagine a red travelling cloak of one of the Soldiers. The kind they wrap themselves in to sleep. I imagine the smell; the rough texture; the dust; the vivid colour; the feel of it on ripped and bleeding skin. Here's a crown. Push and twist it on his head. Here's a sceptre. They grab and strike him with it. Humiliation. Spit on him. Humiliation. Then pull the cloak off him and push his clothes back on him.

See how powerful we are. We're in charge. We Romans - King?! Hardly.

They stripped and humiliated him. But Jesus had already stripped and humiliated himself. He had already taken off his robe voluntarily; because all authority over everything had been given to him. SO. He had already shamed himself in the act of washing feet. They had no power to humble him. He had chosen to humble himself. He had taken the initiative. They didn't take anything from Jesus that he had not already given up of his own accord.

They didn't grasp that. Jesus had all the power. They hadn't realised because it wasn't the kind of power they expected. Jesus weakness, his humiliation, was his power.

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